This thinking course that I have made based on my experience in objective thinking, builds upon easy everyday things like gardening and admiring the nature, a good common sense like objective rationality that is easy to carry along all the time.
It maybe takes an hour or two school time to study but ought to pay itself back by spared time that results from quicker learning. Please try it out! And if it works, give the pupils as reward some nice things to do that increase intelligence and give a god time: for example the rest of the day or preferably the end of the week freely, only loosely superwised by the teacher, arts, sports, handicrafts, practical things to do, some time spent admiring the beauty of nature, for example preparing for some show that they make. Things go much like before but shool gets better... Good luck! Thank you.
(Remember that the new level of skill in objective thinking is like that of an university professor, but without their knowledge and experience. So from now on please give those who studied this thinking course university professor level teaching material in what comes to thinking skills, but not with their experience in academical type of thinking.)
Learn The Basics Of
Thinking consists of noticing things, so objective thinking is very much
like using the senses.
What is thinking? Thinking means forming a correct picture of the world.
Thinking is based on undisturbed perceptions: “This is like this and that is
like that.” Thinking is not based on words, terms or concepts. Instead
objective thinking is based on ordinary sensory perceptions and on memories of
sensory perceptions.
Based on our experience of life we form a picture of our living environment
with its human relationships. So the base, the starting point for all thinking,
are one’s perceptions, one’s memories of what the world is like, of what our
everyday life is like.
Gardening mode: think in practical ways as if you were sensing the things in
your memory or imagination.
The best way for making perceptions for the purposes of objective thinking, is
to do like one who enjoys gardening does: a concretical clearly sensed nearest
environment, where you can use all of your senses to feel the things in it,
maybe touch them and try them; plus an awareness of the whole landscape that
one is working in: the garden and the wider landscape.
Similarly it is very good in thinking if you can from your memory imagine the things
to think about as a very concretical picture in front of you, where you can
best watch it and try it, at the same time as you are aware of the place of
those things in the world.
You have kind of zoomed yourself to the environment of that subject in your
picture of the world so that you can make as clear perceptions as ever: “This
thing I see clearly, but about that thing I cannot know because it isn’t in my
A holistic view of the world: here I live, there is the shop, and so on; future
rising to the air and one’s experiencies of life as a trail on that map: here
was I at each moment.
Arrange your experiencies of life with the help of the sense of sight to form a
map of the whole world. Some parts of the map you know well – they are
described by your experience of life – and some you do not know at all: those
are left blank.
“Here I am sitiing, there is a stool below
me, a table in front, the window over there and the door over there, behind the
door a corridor via which I came here,… Outside there is the street. Via it, so
and so, I can reach home. My home I know likewise but more detailedly. The shop
nearest my home in on another street around a corner, the homes of the friends
of my kids there near by and the park close by…” Build this way a map of the
whole world. Place all things that you know at their right places in that map,
like you via your experiencies know them to be. Add to this the official map
of the nearest environment, of the whole district, up to the level of the whole
globe. This way you have all the world in the same picture!
The past you can place underground, the lower the further away in time it is,
and future up into the air. This way you can see the track of your experiencies
find its way in the landscape, rising upwards all the way to the ground level,
while the future is left up into the air.
You can think of anything in your picture of the world, if you zoom into it and
its environment.
You can see any place in your picture of the world if you zoom to that place in
your map, and you can see the whole world at the same time when you zoom out to
the large scale map of the whole globe.
This way you have one single correct picture of the world, with sizes and
proportions right, which is a very good starting point for your objective
thinking and in itself already much of what objective thinking aims at: an
objective picture of the whole world!
If you want to think about a certain thing in the whole, colour it momentarily
so that it rises to meet the eye and is so easy to notice without losing sight
of its place in the whole.
When you then need to, or you want to think about something, clolour it
momentarily with some colour that you find easy enough to notice, and take a
look at it as if you were gardening, like I adviced you before. This way you
see both the thing in question and its place in the world, which is very good
for youyr understanding.
A gliding glance and forming a holistic view: do not let your glance jump at
In these instructions it is the idea to handle all thoughts at the same time,
so that you can get everything handled at once and do not need to get stuck in
some endless mosaic of things for example as if you were thinking by words.
One who has been highly educated thinking advances slowly and carefully from
one piece of information to the next, kind of lets one’s glance glide along the
regularities of the thought subject and takes care to not to let one’s glance
ever jumb – not even if the one that one talks with would be prone to thought
jumbs. This is so because with every jump one easily loses the thread, the idea
of one’s thoughts and so the trustworthiness of one’s thoughts is lost too.
So let the focus of your eyes glide along the subject that you think about, at
the same time as you form a holistic view of the subject and about its role in
the world – just like you would do if you met the things in the life in the
living, visited some place or whatever.
This is one of the basic skills in objective thinking, one of its basic rules.
From the thus formed holistic landscape like view of the things that you think
about, you will later see clearly how thigs are.
A nature view at the background helps you to conceive complex things.
Sometimes things get too complicated. At those times it is good if you can
imagine a seen nature landscape or even a single detailed tree at the
background of your thoughts, so that you can compare the thought to the much
much much more complex nature view which is still easy to conceive. In other
words, you place each detail of your thought next to some detail of the nature
landscape, look first at the nature view and then as if there was nothing
special to it, you look at the nature view’s style at the thought as if the thought
were simple too – and it has thus become simple!
Concretical fact associations are an easy organised way to change from one
subject to another and a way to arrange your picture of the whole.
You get your picture of the whole world arranged in practical ways if
you use concretical fact associations to move about in it: our farm
-> our tractor -> its repairwork laterly and in the near future -> the
maney that the repair works cost -> the farming equipment shop -> what
our neighbour bought last time from there -> his tractor -> their family
altogether -> what we have like them and what different -> how each
person lives in one’s own way -> the rainbow of life -> what is important
in life -> happiness, and avoiding catastrophes -> understanding helping
in reaching for one’s goals in life.
Make generalisations and find things from your memory as if you were finding all
spots of a certain colour or form from your environment:
all such things in your vocabulary
(-> finding words)
or in your objective picture of the world
(-> putting things to an objective form)
or in what is available to build from
(-> finding solutions).
Once you have mastered
all the other pieces of advice here
and reached very rational holistic objectivity, this is where you can
develop in intelligence and creativity.
Check where do things apply.
If you want to know things that you have no experience of, you will have to
make generalisations and see where they apply, where they at least do not apply
– and what would apply there?!
You generalise something by taking some single characteristics of it and by
paying attention only to them. For example: cats see well in dark ->
seeing well in dark -> Well, if you see well in dark, you notice in darkness
things that others with poorer eyesight cannot notice. -> Usefulness in
hunting and in survival.
Now compare your generalisation to all the cases that you can find from your
picture of the world: were your generalisation right? If not, you have
typically forgotten to mention some important detail (“all animals whole eyes
are healthy”). Fix it.
It is easiest to generalise very sure common sense truths, since the basic
things of life are essential also in the world at large. Like: I need food.
-> All people need food in order to stay alive. -> So arranging food for
all is one of the most important questions in the whole world.
From a holistic view to details: what you need for a solution, where you could
build it from, do you have those blocks, build it!
Many people try to solve problems by trying what they could build from a
certain set of available building blocks. If they do not succeed, they give up.
An easier and more efficient way to solve problems is to solve them solution
centeredly: Think what you would need for the solution, what kind of structures
– you can lift them up from your memory by associations – and what you could
build them from – that too you can do by lifting the possible types of building
blocks from your memory. Then just build it! This way you know what you need
and how you can get it and so you are not wasting your time!
One cannot reach one’s thinking ability or objectivity by copying school like
Humans have via the natural evolution adabted to a life in a close contact with
the nature. So also our thinking ability gets support from doing practical work
(-> gardening mode), using our senses (-> accurate perceptions) and our
natural sense of place (-> a map). So objectivity cannot be reached by
copying the looks of schooled thinkers or of the town environment. It has to be
reached by living in harmony with our sensing nature which builds so a picture
of the environment.
School likedness has gotten its main charachteristics from the written text,
not from thinking. And the written word is just a means of marking things up.
It is not a means of thinking!
Do not think by words. Think instead by the memories of experiencies and by
holistic pictures!
Words are just a tool for communication. Words are not a way of thinking.
Instead all our observations are made by the senses, by the feelings and
Words break things to an endless mosaic that one gets lost to. It looks
complicated but it is not good for thinking.
One who thinks by words is like one who has an extremely narrow tunnel like
eyesight: For example take a cartoon cylinder from which you can see through
one thing at a time, like as if described by a word. It makes an enormous
mosaic of even simple things, like your own room. But if you look wirthout such
tunnel sight, without the cartoon cylinder, you can see everything at once and
so understand much more via using such holistic pictures in your thinking
instead of the tiny words.
Sometimes one’s head is dizzy and it is difficult to think. That is often
connected to tensing the middle part of your body, especially the neck, the
shoulders, the back and the stomach area. So just relax in an alive way:
exercise, stretch or whatever. Try to make your social reklationshgips
friendlier and less formal because that relaxes you profoundly, making you
happier, more intelligent and wiser. Do not consider thinking hard work but
think with enthusiasm!
You will remember things easier if you can emphatize with the point of view
that you were using when you memorized the things. Emphaty too works better
with a relaxed body and makes also your social skills better.
You cen remember things better if you are sincerely interested in the subject.
Remember to carry responsibility!
A sense of direction or a compass is for a traveller more important than
speed. So pay attention especially to your choice of goals and valuyes that you
follow. That affects your life much more than intelligence (speed) in
MOTTO FROM FINLAND: “I love Life in happiness, like You too! So I take
happy Life as my value in the world at large…”
Thinking forms a picture of the world for you. That is a map of
the world.
Feelings mark what things in it mean to life: strong negative
feelings mark things to avoid, while strong positive feelings mark things
to reach for. (Be fair!)
An atmosphere is a landscape with feelings connected to the phenomena
in it: “There is a huge storm cloud coming, let’s run for shelter!” Look
separately at each cause of feelings to see what that phenomenom or that class
of phenomena mean to life. The seen landscape in the atmosphere gives objective
sizes and objective structure to the (relationships of) the phenomena in the
Atmospheres offer a natural quick and accurate way to think objectively.
You can of course learn them in the ordinary way: by memorizing the advices of
others, but there is also another way: you can observe things yourself.
That means keeping your eyes open, paying attention to what stays constant,
what changes and how, according to which factors and in which ways: just
sense, let your sensations form a landscape from which you see by your eyes how
things are, you should be engulfed by the experience, so you will know what
is what and how things are. The deeper your attention, the better you will
notice things. Do not make school like forms out of what you have noticed
but let it stay as a pleasant experience instead!
You get BUILDING BLOCKS: a stone, sea, sun, a bird flying,... and
there is a huge stone by the sea side and a bird flying in the sun above the
water... Those are your understanding of the thing in question, those
are your
thinking. Similarly, if it is a question of your own action, you can
conceive parts: thinking, feelings, moving, social side of things, the sense of
sight,... and their relationships, structures that they form: If I use my sense
of sight in thinking this way, I can think very clearly! Similarly you can
conceive both your own action and the landscape that you act in: “Here am I using
my muscles and a strong motivation to lift the stone by the sea side...”
In addition please read and loearn these:
Getting Rid of Thinking Errors
Everybody has naturally a good thinking ability. It is just drowned in a mass of thinking errors. Once you get rid of thinking eroors, you naturally find a good common sense like thinking ability underneath.
The most usua thinking errors include:
* putting things to a word like form
* putting edges to thoughts, to experiences, to your own being etc. Just leave the edges away and let each thing have the place in teh world that it naturally has.
* copying the square forms, straight lines etc of the build environment. Instead look at a living healthy tree while you think (it is complex and not word like in it's forms.), but not at an apple tree since it's branches are cut and bent to an unnatural form.
* Reaching for thinking like or educated looks in thoughts is an error, instead of letting the just be exactly like the reality that they try to descrtibe.
* Pretending or acting that you think or are clever instead of putting your energy to humbly just thinking things through.
* Do not replace your always new thoughts with memorized thoughts and formal ways.
* Tensing the neck, shoulders and even the whole body slows down thinking extremely much, even almost stops any new views from entering your mind to an as long times as you stay tense. Sports bring a relaxed reactive body that is better for thinking too.
* You must choose your goals and values with your very best thinking ability and not just cunn with a stupid head, since your goals and values affect the most where you will end up.
Some additional observations:
* Don't be theory-based in your observations. Do not ask yourself: "Is this a door, or is this a wheel? What is it?" since that is kind of replacing your observations by words. Instead let your observations be just like you sense those things: "This is like this. And that is like that."
* If you are not up to the level of somebody else, avoid doing anything extra on top of the things that the other one does: for example looking manly, acting educated, reaching for some style in thoughts or otherwise. Also, if the other one is clearly better than you are, avoid dropping away things that you consider needless to do since it often is that such differencies in preferencies in what to do and what to avoid, cause the differencies in skills and intelligence: the other one just knows the value of atmospheres, beauty, relaxed body, love of the nature, the avoidal of artificialities and nasty things etc.
* Intelligence and skill are questions of what you exactly do, in other words of your way of doing: do you use the eyes, how much at least, is your body reactive, which things you pay special attention to, which you bypass to avoid disturbancies, have you dropped other actions momentarily away, etc.
* Once you have learned some better way to think or to do things, use it in the matters of major importance in your life and in the lives of others and in the world at large.
* The easiest thoughts are clearly seen, so the stupid appear rational. While intelligent thought go quickly and cover vast areas with a good clear view. Intelligent ones seem vague and without form. So do not copy from the most man like in appearance, since they are likely to be more stupid than you are, but instead copy from those who live in healthy ways and do well in skills!